Creating Folders Tutorial
Description of your new file.
Have a lot of files? Can’t find the right one you need? Did you know you can organize your StudySets into folders?
How to Organize Study Sets
On the Study Sets view, you will see all of the Study Sets you created. To start organizing, you have different options available. If you want to delete a Study Set > Click on Edit >
You will see a toggle button on the right side of each set that you can click to delete the set
Another option is to sort your Study Sets, which will place the Sets with the Most Material or by its latest Created Time on the top of the list. Simply click on the Sort button and choose from the drop down list
To create a folder, click on the folder icon
You can now create a folder. Start by entering the folder name > Click Create
Simply drag the Study Set that you want to its corresponding folder
Once you go into the folder, the Study Sets will be available there. You can go back to the previous folder by clicking Back
You can now find your Study Sets within their corresponding folders
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