Family Psychology Questions
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The fact that more than 25% of young people today will spend some time in a stepfamily by the time they reach age 18 reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 50 years?
When Damian transitioned from middle school to high school, he increasingly broke the boundaries his parents set and argued with his parents about their rules. In response, Damian's parents increasingly demonstrated an authoritarian parenting style because Damian ignored the explanations of the rules they previously established and because he repeatedly violated their trust. This scenario reflects which of the following principles about research on parent-child relationships?
Adolescents raised by ___________ parents, who provide their children with love and give them a great deal of freedom to do as they please, tend to be ________________.
Donna's parents work full-time, and she often spends a few hours alone from the time school gets out to the time both of her parents get home from work. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents do which of the following?
Conflict with parents tends to increase sharply in ___________ adolescence and according to research by psychologist Judith Smetana, parents and adolescents often disagree about who should have the authority over issues such as hairstyles and choice of friends, which reflects parent-adolescent differences in perceptions of the range of adolescents' ___________.
The fact that about 80% of American adolescents today list at least one member of their extended family, notably their grandparents, among the people most important to them reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 200 years?
Diana Baumrind and other psychologists conducted research on the kinds of practices that parents exhibit in relation to their children and the effects of these practices, which resulted in identifying four distinct parenting styles. Which of the following best explains how parents are categorized into one of the parenting styles, and what the resulting four parenting styles are?
Rachel's biological parents divorced when she was 11 years old and her younger brother, Richard, was 5 years old. Rachel's mother remarried 2 years after the divorce, and now Rachel and her brother have a stepfather. Based on the research evidence about remarriage, how are Rachel and Richard MOST likely to respond to their mother's remarriage and why?
Rebecca is in seventh grade, and her brother Alex is in fifth grade. Because their parents work late into the evening, when the school day ends Rebecca makes them an after school snack and helps Alex with his homework. What type of sibling relationship do Rebecca and Alex portray?
Raneesha is getting a divorce. Based on research, she will most likely experience:
People who are not in a person's closest friendship circle but nonetheless have an impact on that person's life would be considered:
Ben and Nancy have been married for 20 years. Although they are very happy, Nancy worries that this happiness will decrease with time. Research would suggest that Nancy's fear:
Matt's mother, father, and brother constitute his _____. His partner Tom and their adopted daughter make up Matt's _____.
In terms of the Big Five personality traits, extroversion is to outgoing as _____ is to curiosity.
What is more likely to occur early in a marriage after the "honeymoon stage"?
The family one is born into is called one's _____. The family that one forms with one's partner and children is called one's _____.
Jan has been so much a part of her best friend's life that she effectively has been "adopted" by her best friend's family. In other words, Jan has become
Carly has been in a verbally and physically abusive marriage for nine years. She is currently in the process of leaving her husband, taking her three young children to safety. Which statement about the impending divorce is TRUE?
Research indicates that, if adult children and their parents live together, their relationship _____ than if they live apart.
About _____ percent of the new marriages in the United States include at least one partner who has been married before.