
Family Psychology Questions

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Researchers have found that the family structure factor of ___________ and the family process factor of ___________ are strongly linked to increasing the likelihood of the occurrence of physical abuse toward youth.

Longitudinal studies that include data before and after divorce indicate that adolescents' problems after divorce often began long before the divorce, as a consequence of high conflict between their parents. This research reflects a scholarly focus on ___________ to explain the effects of divorce.

A psychologist has an adolescent patient who is sexually active with multiple partners and reports having suicidal thoughts and difficulty trusting others. If this adolescent follows general patterns of adolescents who have been researched, the sex of the adolescent is MOST likely _________, and the type of abuse the adolescent experienced is MOST likely _________.

Although researchers have found few differences between adolescents in dual-earner families and sole-earner families, studies have indicated that adolescents are at a _________ risk for problem behaviors if both parents work _________.

Jamshed's family's poverty and overcrowded home led him to become a street child. On the street, he joined a gang of other street boys, and they often find time for play and recreation amidst working as shoe shiners. Mason enjoys the freedom and thrill of being on the street. Given this information, what country is Jamshed MOST likely from?

Compared to runaway children in the United States, street children across the world are more likely to develop resourcefulness and cognitive skills despite their difficult conditions, which is called _________. Furthermore, the main factor that leads street children to leave home is _________.

The fact that the majority of American adolescents with siblings today have only one sibling reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 200 years?

John is a street child who has developed resourcefulness despite his challenging conditions. For instance, John buys souvenirs from his local market and then sells them at 75% mark-up to tourists in the nearby city to make a profit to give to his mother, who is a single parent. Given this information, where is John MOST likely from?

From 1800 to 2000, the range of functions the family serves has been greatly reduced and transitioned to other social institutions, with the _________ function being one of the only functions the family still provides in modern day.

The current divorce rate in America is such that about _____ of the current generation of youth are expected to experience their parents' divorce by the time they reach late adolescence.

Research on American minority cultures has found that because about ___________ of African American adolescents are being raised in single-parent households, extended family support is especially important and has been ___________ linked to adolescents' engagement in problem behaviors.

_________ is a principle of the family systems approach that explains why, for instance, the advent of puberty can result in poorer relationship quality between adolescents and their parents.

Most White and Black American adolescents today do not live with both biological parents. This reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 50 years?

Diego is a 13-year-old Latino boy who is being raised to obey his parents without question, especially his father, while also maintaining a high level of family closeness and mutual obligation. Which of the following two cultural beliefs is Diego being socialized to develop?

Maggie has two teenagers and she works 40 hours a week as a legal aide at a law firm. Although Maggie's husband earns enough money so that she does not need to work, she says that she wants to keep working because she enjoys the challenge of the legal profession. Maggie's perspective reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 50 years?

Chen is a 12-year-old girl growing up in China. Chen really wants to go to the movies with her friends after school, but her parents have said "no" and instructed her to come home and finish her homework instead. How is Chen MOST likely to respond to this conflict with her parents if she is like the majority of adolescents from a traditional culture?

Parents in India generally expect adolescents to obey without questioning their parents' authority. This style of parenting is ______ with an underlying value of _________.

When Brittany received her driver's license, her parents initiated a discussion with her about changing her curfew from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Her parents explained that with the driver's license, she has more ability to spend time with friends, but that this freedom comes with responsibility and that it is safer for Brittany to have a curfew of 10 p.m. versus midnight. What parenting style are Brittany's parents exhibiting?

____________ tend to be the most common parent to physically and sexually abuse their adolescent children, and ____________ adolescents tend to be the most common recipient of physical abuse.

When Damian transitioned from middle school to high school, he increasingly broke the boundaries his parents set and argued with his parents about their rules. In response, Damian's parents increasingly demonstrated an authoritarian parenting style because Damian ignored the explanations of the rules they previously established and because he repeatedly violated their trust. This scenario reflects which of the following principles about research on parent-child relationships?

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