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What is UCAS and Why Does it Exist?

Curious about UCAS? Discover how this game-changing platform helps UK students apply to universities with ease! Learn the costs, key steps, what to do if you miss deadlines, and how clearing can save the day. Let’s simplify your journey!

Posted on 11/25/2024 - 4 min read

Have you ever wondered how millions of students in the UK manage to apply to university each year?

Well, that's the job of the UCAS. An independent platform that simplifies the entire application process for colleges in the UK.

It handles almost 3 million applications yearly. In this post, we're going to go over a few things. 

We'll talk about how much a UCAS application costs and how to apply for an undergraduate program. 

And, of course, what happens when you miss your UCAS payment deadline? 

We'll cover everything you should know about UCAS.

What is UCAS?

The UCAS simply stands for Universities and College Admissions Service.

As we mentioned, this independent organization manages applications for institutions in the UK.

You can look up courses, submit applications and track your admission process.

The UCAS has been around since 1993.

Why does UCAS Exit?

Before UCAS came on board, it had been a nightmare for students and higher institutions in the UK.

For universities and colleges, the platform helps to reduce the volume of applications, while for students, it helps to reduce the paperwork and stress.

The UCAS exist for four reasons:

Reason 1: It's in place to help you save precious time (you apply once to different institutions )

Reason 2: Ensures fair treatment for all applications.

Reason 3: The admission service helps universities manage admission effectively.

Reason 4: The UCAS makes it a lot easier to track all applications.

What does it cost me to Apply?

The amount you pay for an application depends on two factors. That's the year of entry and the number of university choices you make. 

The application fee for the 2025 entry is £28.50 for up to five choices. 

If, at some point during the last six years, you got free school meals, you're eligible to have this fee waived. 

You can pay this application fee online or add clearing, which comes with no added cost. 

How do I apply for an undergraduate program?

UCAS has made it easy for you; you just need to follow the steps below.

Step 1: Register on the UCAS Website

Step 2: Fill in Your Details 

This is where you'll share:

  • Your full name (exactly as it appears on official documents)
  • Your address and contact information
  • Your nationality and residency status
  • Details about any special needs or disabilities

Step 3: Add Your Education History

Here, you showcase your academic achievements. These Include:

  • All your qualifications (both completed and pending)
  • The names of your schools and colleges
  • Dates you attended each institution
  • Grades achieved or predicted grades

Step 4: Add Your Employment History 

Any work experience counts. These Include:

  • Any part-time jobs you took 
  • Work placements in the past
  • Volunteer positions 
  • And summer internships

Step 5: Your Personal Statement 

Your personal statement should contain the following:

  • Explain why you're passionate about your chosen course or courses
  • Showcase relevant experience and skills
  • Demonstrate your academic potential
  • Share your future ambitions

What happens if you miss the UCAS deadline?

Missing the UCAS deadline doesn't mean you've lost your chance at getting into your dream university. 

It's just a delay, so it will be great if you do your best not to miss the deadline. You can still apply until June 30 if you miss the January deadline. 

However, at this time of the year, most universities and colleges may have few places available to you. After June, you'll need to apply through clearing.

Where to Pay for UCAS Application Fee?

You can pay the UCAS application fee online through the UCAS website. This is only possible after you have completed your application.

Payment can be made with PayPal, credit, or debit cards. Having your payment details ready is always great to avoid submission delays.

What is Clearing?

Clearing is a system UCAS and UK universities use to fill remaining course places after the regular admission cycle has closed.

It actually gives you another chance to secure a place at the university. 

Universities with unfilled places list them on the UCAS website, and you can apply directly to these courses.

How do you find your clearing place?

When you follow these steps, you will find a place through Clearing:

Check your eligibility. Log in to your UCAS account to see if you're eligible for Clearing.

Browse available courses. Visit the UCAS website and search for courses with vacancies. Make a list of the ones that interest you.

Contact universities. You can call the universities directly to discuss your application. You'll have to explain why you're interested in the course and what makes you a suitable candidate.

Get an offer. If a university is interested in your application, they may offer you a place. You can then add the course to your UCAS application.


The truth is that navigating the UCAS application process isn't as difficult as you think.

At least, not after just reading this guide. With the right information and preparation, you'll see it isn't much of a big deal. 

We strongly recommend you don't miss the application deadline, which means you will have to wait till June to apply.  

As we mentioned, the entire aim behind this system is to make the application process less cumbersome for universities and students. 

Ensure you use the instructions we've shared here. You'll do just fine. 

Lastly, if you want to increase your CGPA and your academics as a student, you should take advantage of our various AI tools on StudyFetch.

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