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Studying Like a Pro

Struggling with grades? Motivation and effective study methods are key. Try PQ4R for active engagement and Leitner for spaced learning. These proven techniques optimize memory retention and understanding. Improve your grades by mastering these strategies!

Posted on 5/9/2024 - 2 min read

Why are my grades not improving? We all struggle to study sometimes, and motivation can be hard to find. With so many classes, responsibilities, and lives students need to lead, it can take a lot of work to get into a studying rhythm. While you may feel like you’ve tried every method, allow us to enlighten you on a few more you may have missed. The PQ4R method and the Leitner System are used by high-performing students daily. These methods are time-tested and backed by high-ranking Universities that have researched the best study methods. Join the ranks of the elite when you use these two methods daily. 

The PQ4R Method:

For learners who need an active engagement with the content of their subject with a focus on memorization, there is the PQ4R method. The name is an acronym for the six steps to this method. 

Preview: Scan the material before reading deeper. Pay attention to highlighted text, headers, and summary information. Save diving into the details for later. 

Question: Be inquisitive and curious. Don’t be afraid to question the material to find areas of strength and room for growth. 

Read: Now dive deeper into the course material and hone in on each individual piece. Highlight and underline important topics that pique interest or leave you asking more questions. Search for those answers or write them down to ask your teacher about later. 

Reflect: What did you learn from this information? Have you found all your answers? What surprised you in your findings? 

Recite: Summarize what you just learned either orally or on paper. Writing is one of the best ways to train your memory, which is why teachers encourage notes worldwide. Likewise, being able to tell and teach others the information you have just learned is a sign of true mastery.

Review: Thought you were done? Go back into the material again! What did you miss? What still sparks questions? Do you feel like an expert, or are you left with more confusion? If the latter is true, repeat this method until you know your material, like the back of your hand. 

The Leitner System:

For flashcard lovers and sorting fanatics comes a new method of learning. To start, you will need more physical materials than the PQ4R method. Gather flashcards, five identical boxes, and some writing utensils. For a digital and less costly process, you could use StudyFetch’s flashcards to create a digital sorting system with 5 flashcard sets! 

Step 1: Take your flashcards and write everything you want to study. 

Step 2: Label your boxes numerically “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” and put all your cards into Box #1.

Step 3: Begin Studying. Each time you recall a card correctly, move that card to box 2. Continue to study until all the cards are either in Box 1 or Box 2, and then repeat the next day. The box schedule is as follows: 

  • Box 1: Every day
  • Box 2: Every other day
  • Box 3: Every fourth day
  • Box 4: Every ninth day
  • Box 5: Every 2 weeks

As each card is slowly mastered, it continues to move into Box 5. Keep studying until every flashcard is in Box 5, and then repeat as necessary if the material is not fully mastered. 

The PQ4R and Leitner Systems are designed to work with your brain so that, as a student, you are not overloading information right away or studying too little. Spaced learning allows the brain to rest and ruminate on the information learned. Good luck and happy learning!

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