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How to write a really good personal statement for college applications

Why should the college even consider your application? Well, your personal statement could help you convince them. So, it's either you make a great first impression with this essay or a really bad one.

Posted on 10/7/2024 - 3 min read

You've probably been on Google for a while now, going through several blogs on how to write a good personal statement.

Well, I'm happy you stumbled across this post. Yeah, coming up with a great personal statement for your college application can be a pain in the neck.

I know, because I had to write these some years ago. What exactly does an essay like this cover?

How exactly are you supposed to make yours stand out from the hundreds or even thousands those admission officers will get?

Yes, you have a lot of questions going through your mind, and that's exactly why we've written this blog.

What is a personal statement?

You can call it a personal statement or an essay statement. Whatever works for you. It's a short essay, usually about 500 to 650 words, that goes along with your college application. You see, it's the one chance you get to tell the admission officers about yourself, your academic strength, and your life experiences.

Why should the college even consider your application? Well, your personal statement could help you convince them. So, it's either you make a great first impression with this essay or a really bad one.

A personal statement is a short essay you write as part of your college application. The point is, you've got to get it right.

How to start a personal statement

Before you start writing, spend time self-reflecting. Review your life and think about defining moments, interests, hardships, or people who shaped who you are.

Make a running list of ideas, values, and experiences most meaningful to you. Once you have generated some possibilities, you can choose the one anecdote or theme that makes the strongest starting point for your narrative. The most compelling opening sentences grab attention right away. You could start in media res, launching right into the middle of an important occasion that illuminates your priorities and personality. Or begin with a powerful image or a thought-provoking question tailored to your chosen school and program. Connecting your first line to the specific college immediately signals your fit with their community.

Tips for writing a great personal statement

Focus on insight, not accomplishments

The personal statement gives you a forum to showcase your personality, not just your achievements. Admission officers already know your academic and extracurricular record from the rest of your application; this is your chance to go beyond the facts to share your worldview and priorities. They want insight into how you think, what you value, and what motivates you.

Choose a focused theme

Since you only have limited space, it is critical to focus on one overarching idea or trait you want colleges to know about you. For example, elaborate on your intellectual curiosity, creative talent, strength in overcoming obstacles, or commitment to service - whichever resonates most in defining you. Support that theme with specific anecdotes and details to bring your story to life.

Show, don't tell

Anyone can state, "I have strong leadership skills." But you can convey leadership better by describing a situation that called upon your management abilities - organizing a fundraiser, guiding your team to a championship, or resolving a family crisis. Vivid details and actual examples make a deeper impression.

Find your genuine voice

Admission staff want to hear your authentic voice on the page. Write in a style and tone that sounds natural to you while maintaining clear, concise language. Have teachers or parents review your essay to get feedback on whether your unique perspective and personality shine through.

Proofread meticulously

Because this essay represents your chance to make a strong first impression, polish it to perfection. In addition to checking for proper spelling and grammar, review the flow of your narrative. Make sure there are no gaps in logic and that you fully connect the dots for readers on why this experience was meaningful. Also, verify that paragraphs transition smoothly and that concluding sentences emphasize your main point.

Common pitfalls to avoid

Lengthy, list-like descriptions

With limited space, you cannot highlight every award or activity from high school. Identify one or two anecdotes that best reflect your core priorities.

Controversial or inappropriate topics

Be thoughtful about sensitive subjects. Rather than risk offending admission staff, keep the focus on demonstrating your strengths.

Grammar and spelling errors

Typos or unclear sentences are glaring errors that undermine an otherwise strong essay.


Alright, we've had a few minutes to talk about this at some length. Summing up everything we've said, your personal statement is very important if you want to get into the college you're applying for.

If you really want to get a good chance against all odds, you really should pay attention to everything that's been said above.

Just follow the tips, and you'll definitely write a great personal statement for your college application.

Now, if you need a little bit of help with this, you can use some of our AI tools, like our Essay Grader and Spark E in StudyFecth. They can help you get the ground running with ideas and also fine-tune your work.

The best of luck!!

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