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Go Fetch: The Retrieval Method

With Flashcards students utilize the power of repetition and memory. Through repeating information you need to learn you create patterns and habits that become ingrained in your memory.

Posted on 3/25/2024 - 2 min read

How far back can you remember? How many details can you recall? Memory is a tricky thing. After all, it can sometimes be faulty and absent when you need it the most. So how do you train a brain? Several methods are tested and curated by learning experts for different types of learners. With how unique every brain is, there is no one “right” way to study. One method is for learners who struggle to keep track of the small details, who need help learning large quantities of information in short periods, and who strive for accuracy and precision. This is the retrieval method. 

First, let’s break down retrieval. Retrieval is the act of recalling information learned at a previous time. In the same way, you and I remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west or that 2+2 will always equal 4. You are a learner who wants this knowledge to be ingrained in your core beliefs and habits. You want to wake up knowing your flashcards as intimately as the back of your hand. StudyFetch offers the perfect services for these types of learners through our Flashcards, Practice Tests, and AI tutoring! 

With Flashcards students utilize the power of repetition and memory. Through repeating information you need to learn you create patterns and habits that become ingrained in your memory. Not only can you have our AI make bespoke flashcards from your course materials and videos but you can also use them in a variety of ways, anytime, anywhere. Have a friend read them aloud as you write the answers, go over speed reviews before that big test, or make a game with friends to see who can answer with the definition first! Not only do all these activities aid in storing this information in your long-term memory but they also take little to no time to prepare. 

Make sure you prepare for those tests though! Through our practice tests geared to aid in repetition and retrieval, you can find out where the gaps remain in your knowledge. Fine-tune your brain for your final exam and conquer every challenge thrown your way. By going notes free on these tests you not only prepare yourself mentally for the test but you can use those results to find your problem areas. The best part of it all is that you aren’t alone in this either. Now you have an AI tutor and study buddy named Spark.E! 

Making your own questions is crucial to the Retrieval study method. With Spark.E you don’t have to work alone either! You can not only receive tutoring from Spark.E but you can practice teaching the information as if he is a new student. Being able to recall and reteach information is the final step in retrieval. It proves your knowledge and is key in assuring that you won’t be forgetting this information anytime soon. Many see this step as the true test of your knowledge rather than your final. 

So if you are in a similar predicament, facing a daunting semester where you need to learn as much information as you can in a short amount of time or need to fine-tune that memory, look no further. StudyFetch not only has the tools you will need to succeed but to thrive. Happy learning!

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