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8 Study Techniques That can Help you Pass Exams

Are you preparing for your exams? In this blog, we’ll walk you throuhg 8 proven and practical techniques that can help you pass your exams.

Posted on 11/10/2024 - 3 min read

When it comes to exam success, having a solid plan and effective techniques can make a world of difference. 

It won’t be a walk in the park writing an exam you are poorly prepared for.

Some exams can be a pain, but with the right strategies, you can conquer them with confidence.

In this post, we'll share 8 practical techniques that can help you ace that exam.

It won't be easy at first, but these strategies work if you stick to them.  

8 Practical Tips for Exam Success

1. You Need to Have a Study Schedule and Stick with It

One of the best ways to have an effective study time is to create a study schedule.

A well-structured study plan makes it easy for you to allocate time each day to review your materials. This way, you won't have to cram things during exams.

Set specific goals for each study session and stick to them.

You see, consistency is another factor that can help you build a solid study routine.

2. Use Past Question Papers and Sit For a Mock Exam.

When you prepare for an examination with past question papers, you get to have a solid background on questions.

You might unknowingly review some of the questions you will see on the examination day.

It's also good to sit for a mock exam. It will help you measure your preparedness and show you areas you need to work on.

This will go a long way to improve your performance on the exam day.

3. Periodically Recall What You've Studied

Flashcards and active recall are powerful study methods that will help you recall.

You can use our Flashcard on StudyFetch for this. This technique helps you reinforce your memory and retention power.

You also need to quiz yourself without looking at your class notebooks. Quizzes AI, which is a feature on StudyFetch, can help you with interactive exam quizzes.

4. Break Your Study Session into Chunks (Pomodoro Technique)

Have you heard of the Pomodoro techniques?

This is a technique where you get to break up your study sessions. You could have a five-minute break every 25 minutes when you study.

This approach helps you to maintain your concentration and stay focused. It also helps to prevent burnout. After four intervals, you may take a longer break that will give your brain time to refresh. 

5. Use Notes to Keep Everything Organized

It's good to take notes in classes. You could do this manually using a pen and note, or you can organize your notes later.

Rather than keep a jumbled mess of papers, create a system that works for your brain. Colour-code different topics, use sticky tabs for quick reference, and maintain a master index.

The magic happens when you review well-organized notes. This makes it easy to spot out knowledge gaps and to refresh key concepts.

Remember, tidy notes equal a tidy mind. Please be orderly when using notes. You can also use Note AI on StudyFetch to organize your notes very neatly. It also helps with summary.

6. Teach Someone Else

If you want to truly master a subject, you need to teach someone.

When you explain a concept to others, this forces your brain to organize information in a new way and explain what you understand. 

You can teach a family member or even your coursemate. It really doesn't matter who listens.

When you verbalize lessons, you'll spot your knowledge gaps and cement information more deeply. This is better than silent reading could ever do. 

7. Have Enough Sleep the Night Before the Exam

After you have worked very hard for an exam, it’s better to have at least 7 hours of sleep the night before your exam.

This helps your brain recall information better during the exam. Our brain organizes and puts information together when we sleep.

8. Try to Stay Calm and Relax During the Exam

You have to maintain a calm and composed mindset. A calm and clear mind is the secret weapon you need to recall all you’ve worked hard to learn.

Ensure you do not go into the exam hall with a troubled heart. Get your mind off any emotional drama you might have.

Let your mind be focused and concentrated on the exam alone


If you're going to pass any exam, you need dedication, effective study techniques, and a positive mindset.

Here's a quick recap. Have a study schedule, and use past papers and the Pomodoro techniques. Well, that's to mention a few.

We've laid out 8 practical techniques to do this during this conversation. You simply have to use these methods, and you'll do fine. 

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