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2357: Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

Discover the 2357 method of spaced repetition, scientifically proven to boost memory and streamline studying. Utilize tools like Study Fetch for flashcards and reminders, ensuring efficient and effective learning while avoiding cramming and burnout.

Posted on 5/9/2024 - 2 min read

You might already know this, but repeating a task or even a word or phrase makes it more likely to stick in your memory. Spaced repetition is a method that has been peer-reviewed and found by scientists to be a surefire way to boost your memory and even cut down the time you spend studying. While other methods can leave students with even more work to do and exhaustion, this is the method for those who need a routine that allows more flexibility! For many students in higher education, this is revolutionary for those with busy schedules and upcoming due dates. Using spaced repetition both reinforces learning and is beneficial to the student in all ways. So sit back, relax, and enjoy all the free time you’ll have with the 2357 method!

We start backward with this method, which is certainly unusual. Starting from the date of your exam or test, set a plan to study the night before. Then go back two days before that study session and plan another. Then go back three days and set another plan to study, then five days, then seven. The farthest day back is your first official study session. These gaps in studying with growing frequency as we move closer to the exam date allow for proper brain rest and build a manageable routine without having to study every single day. This method is not set in stone. Just like any study technique or method, you should always take note of what works for you and what doesn’t. Make the methods work with you, not against your schedule. 

With this method of spaced repetition, it would be good to have a set of flashcards or digital resources that you could revisit at each interval. Having a study set that you create before your first official study session can be beneficial for both time and process as having a clear outline of what needs to be done can make your job easier. Either with physical flashcards or with a website like Study Fetch, create a study set you can easily find and use for all of your planned sessions. If you’re working with a group, have each member choose a different format and different terms to teach and go over with your group. With apps like our Study Fetch app, you can access these sets on the go, at any place or time. 

Spaced repetition using the 2357 method can also be easier using the Study Fetch app since the user can get daily or set reminders to study. Set alarms for your study sessions and utilize the power of timers and breaks! Just like your body needs to rest, your brain does too. Use 5-minute break timers to rest your brain and elevate your focus for the next round of studying. This could be called spaced repetition within a spaced repetition, but overall it is crucial to our brains and bodies to rest instead of staying locked into place. This also gives students a chance to “re-review” after their rest breaks. 

So ditch the cramming, late nights, and caffeine overdrives. Spaced repetition not only is better for building long-term memory, but it is also extremely effective and efficient. Remember that studying is all about what works best for you, every student has different needs. So make that calendar, set reminders, make the study set, and succeed! 

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